Real Fiction Radio Broadcast: April 15, 2020 Noon on WERA-FM 96.7 Arlington, VA
Jon Mooallem - THIS IS CHANCE (Random House)
Jon Mooallem has been a Writer at Large for the New York Times Magazine since 2006. He is the author of THIS IS CHANCE!andWILD ONES, which was chosen as a best book of 2013 by The New York Times Book Review, The New Yorker, NPR’s Science Friday, Gizmodo, Outside Magazine, Brainpickings and Canada’s National Post among others. He wrote a short ebook called American Hippopotamus and created The WALKING Podcast.
Jon is also also Writer at Large for Pop-Up Magazine, a “live magazine,” performed on stage, and a contributor to This American Life. He has frequently talked about his reporting on radio and television shows (like Fresh Air, Radiolab, and the Colbert Report) and once spoke at TED. Occasionally, he collaborates on live storytelling and music projects with the band Black Prairie, which features members of the Decemberists. THIS IS CHANCE! is based on their last collaboration, about the 1964 Alaskan earthquake.